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So I believe this was originally the B side of the master tape and became an A side during an "I don't have any blank tapes" consolidation effort that saw what was considered at the time to be the "best" single sides of 2 tapes copied onto 1 tape.
We got Mystical for the first 30 mins, and then our boy Illfingaz to close out the tape. It's packed with a lot of new tunes, including a play of the at the time unreleased Vinyl Syndicate 9. It's a good tape side which is why it made it through the various rounds of cuts.
Can't really remember much about this show, taping it or listening to it back then. It was about this time in history that content overload really became a thing in my life. Only so many blank tapes and we have Renegades, The Prophecy, Rinse Out, etc every single week plus trying to copy tapes that we had borrowed from wherever. I also did a lot of the download and record once I got on that high speed DSL which I think dropped later that year in Grimsby. I already was getting a taste from my bro who was on Rogers cable in Toronto downloading all kinds of stuff and copying it for me. What are you supposed to do? You can only listen to so much with all the other shit that you have going on, and this is what content overload does to you. Shows become less special and memorable because there is so much else going on to drown it out. A tape that was fucking burning up the inside of your deck it was so hot was suddenly getting old pretty fast and forgotten. And here we are today, with sites like jungletapes and other music sharing sites you could literally listen 24x7 and never listen to everything that was available. And so this tape kind of landed there. It's a good tape but it's just not special because I can't remember anything about it.
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Side A - 56:08
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ogg - 99MB - Download