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This was one of the first sets that both myself and grimsby.chris both have our own first-gen copies of. I absolutely just love the begining of Side A, it's one of the best. This is a tape I coming back to again and again. Give it a listen.
The begining of this set is likely the best Prime intro I've ever recorded, the tracks get better and better and MC Urban J gets more and more psyched, until he can't hold it in any more and just starts MCing like it's his last day on earth.
For me, this tape gets a lot of plays.
Luxman R-113 Hi-Fi Stereo Receiver, Luxman K-100 Tape deck. Tuned in from Grimsby, Ontario.
Side A - MP3 - 1:02:19 - 142.62 MB
Prime's outro set lasts for a little and then in comes Everfresh with a strong set, mostly dark and rare tunes. Urban J lights up the mic.
Side B - MP3 - 1:02:17 - 142.6 MB