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0:00 - Oh boy, this is an old track! Prizna - Love & Hate
0:30 - DJ Shadow (Prime) in the back
5:27 - Don't forget, next week, Delerium with DJ Randal
5:49 - Marcus in the mix
8:12 - Sound of the DJ SS, from Play de Record no doubt
11:30 - Brand new sounds of Hype & Zinc, Truplayaz (track is 20 years old!)
17:20 - Mix coming in, Marvellous K
25:45 - Classic
31:14 - Teacher remix
37:59 - The Click - Joker Records
Side A - MP3 - 101.8 MB - 44:29
Side A & B - Original MP3 - 220.6 MB - 1:31:59