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Muffin changes up the style and starts slamming down the Congo Natty vibes. Wicked drop around 7:10!
Some party info starting around 23:00 including the Syrous 5 year. Muffin says some interesting shit. Nobody knows the location for that party. You'd have to call the infoline on the night to get that info usually. Muffin is spinning and he doesn't even know where it is. There was no twitter or FB back in the day to get this info, it was always calling the info lines and trying to write the shit down fast enough so that you didn't have to call back.
Warehouse party going down at 15 Polson gotta find out the location info from a friend.
One of my favs "Turbulence" drops around 31:00 with a really nice mix. Booyah!
When I got to the end of the side I was pretty sad that there wasn't any more. That's it for this tape.
Thanks Muffin!
Side A - 46:10
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