The start of Side B starts with yet another announcement about the upcoming Freakin' party not going to be at the Toronto Congress Centre. Got some slight reception issues with a bit of a low db buzz, only noticeable when things let up which isn't often.
This is my first Unknown Souljah set, he starts with the pitched turned up on Iron Lung, the last and one of the dopest tracks from the Ram Trilogy Molten Beats album, which was this massive 5 record, 10 track LP set. Listen to that bass!
Iron Lung right into Ghostbusters, oh my gosh. Unknown Souljah in the mix!!!
11:10 the weed burner mix and rhyme, yeh yeh
29:00 - Pretty sure this is the only complete copy of Walk with Your Friends I recorded, every other time it was cut by the end of the tape side.
46:25 - King of the bass!
49:06 - Unknown Souljah - The Siege, some Toronto business for real.
53:34 - Enter Caddy Cad
55:25 - Enter Lush, only get the intro of his set, about 7 minutes.