0:00 - B side starting things out hard
0:26 - Mystic Mike on the mic
1:31 - Guess the commercials got cut
4:52 - Bong time
10:25 - Dropping the F bombs
17:49 - The Galaxy Bar… what? Things are getting a bit strange, what is going on with this track?
19:46 - We got enough ladies here. Don't blow our cover! Umm… you're on the radio?
23:19 - Things sounds like they're heating up in the MSN chat room
38:39 - Jungle night in the Hammer, 69 Main Street East, Sky69. Wow that location has been so many different places, most recently The Rock N Ranch Saloon, which totally bombed like pretty much everything else thats every been in that building.
47:26 - Bong it up baby
48:37 - Shows coming to a close? Man, these things used to go for 5 hours, guess they were down to 2 hours on Monday nights.